
  Friday, September 4, 2020  SmartDrivingCar.com/8.37-Policing-090420 37th edition of the 8th year of SmartDrivingCars   Autonomous vehicles could improve policing, public safety, and much more Cliff Winston, Aug. 25, “In a world of autonomous...


;widows: 2;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);text-decoration-style: initial;text-decoration-color: initial;word-spacing:0px”> F. Lambert, Aug. 26, “A Tesla driver in North Carolina admitted to watching a movie on his phone...


  Thursday, August 20, 2020  SmartDrivingCar.com/8.35-Dispatcher920-082020 35th edition of the 8th year of SmartDrivingCars   Creating Standards in an Environment of Mistrust M. Sena, Sept, 2020, “Will ITS standards work fall prey to geopolitical...


  Thursday, August 13, 2020  SmartDrivingCar.com/8.34-GhostRoad-081320 34th edition of the 8th year of SmartDrivingCars   The 100-Year History of Self-Driving Cars   A. Townsend, Aug. 3, “he first self-driving vehicles were ships. After...


  Saturday, August 8, 2020  SmartDrivingCar.com/8.33-Stumble-080820 33nd edition of the 8th year of SmartDrivingCars   The Biggest Self-Driving Truck Startup Stumbles in Hitting High Goals A. Efrati, July 22, “In just five years, TuSimple has...


        Thursday, July 30, 2020  SmartDrivingCar.com/8.32-CES-072320 32nd edition of the 8th year of SmartDrivingCars   CES 2021 IS ALL-DIGITAL Press release, July 28, “For more than 50 years, CES® has been the global stage for...